How To Delete A Page In Word 2011 For Mac
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• Type 10 into the Enter a Page Number box and then press Enter Word jumps to the beginning of page 10.. • If the Find and Replace dialog box doesn't go away on its own (it will in some versions of Word), press Esc. HERE
delete page word
Suppose you have a document of 50 pages and you want to delete pages 10 to 15 You may wonder if there is a way to delete that range with a single action. Click
delete page word mac
Page designations are very fluid, depending on all sorts of variables such as the amount of text in a document, what formatting is applied, and which printer driver is being used.. Word displays the Go To tab of the Find and Replace dialog box The Pages option should be selected, by default, at the left of the dialog box.. Not with a single action, no The reason is because Word technically knows nothing about pages.. That being said, there is a relatively easy way to delete pages 10 to 15 Follow these steps: Press F5. Click
delete page word 2016
Press the Delete key Even though this process is noted here as 8 steps, it really is quite quick to perform.. This turns on Extend mode Word again displays the Go To tab of the Find and Replace dialog box.. I can find tutorials for other versions of Office, but they do not work in 2011.. Another way to approach the task is to use the Zoom control to set a very small zoom factor. cea114251b
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I was able to perform them in less than 5 seconds, which is a pretty fast way to get rid of a group of pages.. This means that you now have everything on pages 10 through 15 selected If the Find and Replace dialog box doesn't go away on its own (it will in some versions of Word), press Esc.